Are SoCast Websites Accessible?
All of SoCast's current 3 themes, 2.0, Hero 1.0, and Theme 3.0 follow WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards. This means our websites are usable and understandable for the majority of people with or without disabilities. It is the responsibility of the ...
How Do I Customize My Website Transactional Emails?
“What is a transactional email?” A transactional email is an email the SoCast platform sends between a website visitor and the platform. For example, when a visitor signs up via our membership tool on your website or app, they receive an email asking ...
Why isn't "sessions" in the Executive Report?
"Views" tells you how many times any user has viewed your app. "Users" tells you how many unique users have viewed your app. "Sessions" tells you how many times a unique user has viewed your app without leaving within a time frame. When we created ...
In this section you will find all Knowledge Base articles related to Admin (i.e account set-up, creating users, company settings etc) As well as, best practices, tips and inspiration. Account Users Company Settings