This guide will explain how to set up and publish a post in Express CMS. We will also be going over how to
create a post area on a page. Please reference the Pages Quick Reference guide for a more in depth look at
page setup.

1. When you fi rst log in, you will be presented with the Express CMS Dashboard. In the header
menu, which is located at the top of the page, select your site from the My Sites dropdown
menu. Click Dashboard.

Select Posts from the Main Menu on the left.

You should now be on the All Posts page. All previous posts will be displayed in a list table. To
create a new post, click the +Add New button at the top of the page. Alternatively, you can also
select the Add New button under Posts in the Main Menu.

A. Post Title - The post title fi eld is where you give your post a name. This name will appear as a
header above the post body.
B. Post Body Editor - The post body editor is a standard WYSIWYG editor that you can build
your post in. There is a row of various text options above the text box. By default, the editor is
set to a visual view as indicated by the Visual tab. If you want to build your post in HTML, you
can switch the Text tab. The Add Media button allows you to import media from the Media
Library to be included in the body. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop media into the
C. Publish - The publish section gives you several options regarding publishing. You can set the
initial status to either Draft or Pending Review, which will present a save button. Saving the post
will keep it in your list table without publishing to your page. Once you publish the post, it will
be pushed to your site even if it was previously in draft or pending review status.. The visibility
options are Public, Password protected, and Private. Selecting the Public option will also
present a checkbox to Stick this post to the front page; this option will keep the post at the top
of the page regardless of any later posts. There are several scheduling options, you can publish
immediately or set a specific date and time for publishing. You can also set the post to expire on
a specific date and time.

D. Categories - The categories section is where you can assign your post to one or more
categories. Categories are referenced in determining what content is displayed on the page, so
assigning a category to your post is mandatory. You can also create a new category or
sub-category by clicking the +Add New Category button. Alternatively, you can add a category
by selecting Categories under Posts in the main menu.
E. Tags - The tags section is where you can assign one or more tags to your post to help
with navigation and grouping posts together with similar content. The difference between
tags and categories is that categories are mandatory and can exist in a heriarchy, whereas tags
are completely independent and optional.
F. Syndication - The syndication section allows you to publish your post on any other sites you
have access to based on your login and role. Simply move the slider from Unsyndicated to
Syndicated to turn syndication on. Select which sites/site groups you want to syndicate to. The
Syndicated categories checkbox allows you to also syndicate the post’s associated category. The
Allow editing checkbox allows syndicated sites receiving the syndicated post to then locally edit
the post for their site only.
G. Featured Image - The featured image section allows you to set a featured image to appear
with your post depending on whether or not the theme is set to display them. This image will
also appear in the list table alongside your post. Click Set featured image and select the image
you want to use from the Media Library.
Once you are fi nished, click Publish; use Save Draft or Save as Pending if further work is needed
on the post.

2. The post is now ready to be published on a page. You will only need to do this step the fi rst time
you create a post. The module created in this step will be referenced for all of your future posts.
Select Pages from the Main Menu.

You should now be on the Pages page. Select which page you want the post to appear on
from the list table or create a new page.

Scroll down to the Themify Custom Panel section. Adjust the row width for the content area you
want to use by dragging the edge left or right. Select the Post module, drag and drop into a row
area below.

A modal will appear. Give the module a name in the Module Title fi eld. Select which layout
you want from the Post Layout options. As mentioned earlier, posts will be displayed based on
which category they are assigned to, select the category you assigned to your post from the
Category dropdown menu. You can set the number of posts you want to be displayed in the
Limit fi eld. If you wish to skip over a post, put it’s position number in the Offset fi eld and
it will not be displayed. The Order dropdown menu allows you to determine how posts will be
ordered; Descending will display newer posts first, whereas Ascending will display the oldest
post first. You can set the ordering criteria with the Order By dropdown menu. The Display
dropdown menu gives you options for what will be displayed; Content displays the post in it’s
entirety, Excerpt displays an excerpt of the post, and None will display none of the post. If your
post has a featured image, you can set whether or not it will be displayed with the Hide
Featured Image dropdown menu. Setting these options will create a basic post module, but
there are some additional options listed below for further refinement.

Once you are fi nished setting up your post module, click Save. Click Save in the Themify
Builder, then scroll to the top of the page and click Update

Congratulations! You have created a Post and published it to your site!

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