This Article Is For:
- All users who have access to one/all of the following: pages, blogs, contests, and sidebars
- This is applicable to: All themes
- Critical information should not be contained in the hover box element as hover states do not work on mobile devices.
- Critical info includes: Text or design elements that may be cut off when being displayed on various screen sizes.
- The hover widget is approx. 258px in height.
- If you want it to fill your page space, use 100% width
- Text and design elements should not be included in the hover image itself
- We suggest adding text and other design elements under or near the image for best mobile responsive experience.
Step-by-step guide
Select an image from the media library
- Primary Title : Enter text for the heading line
Primary Title Alignment
: Choose an alignment for the title. Choose from: Left, Right, Center, Justify
- Shape : Select a hover box shape. Choose from: Square, Rounded, Round
- Width : Select block width (percentage). Choose from 10%-100%.
- Alignment : Choose an alignment for the hover block. Choose from: Left, Right, Center
- Reverse Blocks : If selecting yes, this will r everse hover and primary block.
- Element ID : Enter element ID (Note: make sure it is unique and valid according to w3c specification ).
- Extra Class Name : If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.
Hover Block Settings:
- Hover Title:
- Hover Title Alignment: Select text alignment for hovered title.
- Hover Text: Enter the text you want displayed when hovered over
- Background Color: Select color schema using the drop-down
Add Button:
Add button for call to action.
If selecting yes,
fill in the hover button settings tab
Hover Button Settings :
- Text : Enter the text for your button
- URL : Add a link to the button
- Style : Select a button display style. Choose from: Modern, Classic, Flat, Outline, 3D, Custom, Outline Custom, Gradient, Gradient, Custom
- Shape : Select button shape. Choose from: Square, Rounded, Round
- Color : Select color schema using the drop-down
- Size : Select button display size. Choose from: Mini, Small, Normal, Large
- Alignment: Select button alignment. Choose from: Inline, Left, Right, Center
Add Icon : If choosing yes, fill in the following icon options:
- Icon Alignment : Select the icon alignment. Choose from: Left, Right
- Icon Library : Select a type of icon set (similar to a style of emoji)
- Icon : The options for the icon will change depending on what set you picked above
- Element ID : Enter element ID (Note: make sure it is unique and valid according to w3c specification ).
- Extra Class Name : If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.
- Advanced On Click Yes : Check yes to Insert inline onclick javascript action.