This Article Is For:
- All users who have the 'Manage Website Settings' permission
- This is applicable to: All Themes

For additional information on how to use GA event tracking, see this article:
This article is intended for advanced users that want to add custom event tracking to their SoCast websites. It requires access to the Website / Settings panel.
Step-by-step guide
To add event tracking follow these steps:
Find a button from your website that you wish to track
Right click that button and select "Inspect Element"
In the path of the element ( see attached screenshot ), find the last element to the right containing a hash tag, e.g. "#listenBtn"
Put the following code in the ' Website Custom Footer HTML ' section with the element name placed in the first brackets in the second line ( in this case "#listenBtn" ):
<script> $("#listenBtn").click(function() { ga("send", "event", "player", "listen"); }); </script>