- Must have a Google (Gmail) Account
- Basic knowledge of Google Forms
- Page Permissions within the SoCast Platform
These instructions are a suggested way of incorporating a public facing calendar into your webpage while allowing users to submit responses and have them appear in your calendar.
These instructions rely on third party integration and can change at any time.
SoCast cannot guarantee the stability or functionality of third party integration.
Step-By-Step Guide: Embedding A Google Calendar In A Webpage
- Create Google Account (recommended making a specific community event account)
- Set Calendar Visibility to Public
- Customize Calendar Settings as desired
- Go to Calendar Settings
- Click on Calendar name you want to display (Ex. CSTest)
- Click Integrate Calendar
- Click Customize (Beneath Embed iFrame Code)
- Set Width to 1100 Pixels and Height to 900 pixels (to be used on Webpage without Sidebar)
- Customize view settings as desired
- Copy HTML iFrame code from top of page
- Open Webpage from SoCast platform at admin.socastsrm.com
- Add Raw HTML element to page
- Paste HTML iFrame Code into element and Save Changes then Publish/Update changes to that page
Step-By-Step Guide: Importing Existing Calendar Events
- Export Existing Events from previous calendar
- Click Settings (Gear Icon)
- Click Import & Export
- Import - Select File from your computer
- Click Import
Step-By-Step Guide: Create Google Form for Event Submissions
- Go to Google Forms: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/
- Create New Form with fields as desired
- Click Preview Icon in top right (Eye icon)
- Complete your form
- Return to your form builder and click Responses at top of form to see your response submitted
Step-By-Step Guide: Create Zapier To Automatically Send From Response To Google Calendar
- Log in to Zapier with Google Account (must be the same account with the Calendar and Google Form)
- Select Google Forms App and Google Calendar App from List
- Scroll down and click 'use this zap' for 'Create Google Calendar Events from Google Forms Submissions'
- Click Create this Zap
- Click Continue
- Follow Zapiers Steps 1-4 on the screen then click continue
- Verify Google Forms account is accurate (should be by default) then click Save+Continue
- Click the Spreadsheet Dropdown and click the title of your Google Form (If you don't see your form name, you need to repeat Step 6 above)
- Click the Worksheet dropdown and select Form Responses 1 (usually the default)
- Click Continue
- Click Continue
- Click Fetch+Continue
- Click Continue
- Google Calendar Action- Click Continue
- Click Save+ Continue
- Click in Calendar Dropdown - select account (usually defaulted to the top of the list)
- Summary- click insert field Icon in the right corner of the provided box- select 'eventtitle' field
- Description- click insert field Icon in the right corner of the provided box- select 'description' field
- Start Date & Time- click insert field Icon in the right corner of the provided box- select 'eventstartdate' field
- End Date & Time- click insert field Icon in the right corner of the provided box- select 'eventenddate' field
- Visibility- Drop down and click Public
- Reminders- Drop down and click No
- Click Continue
- Click Send Test to Google Calendar
- Click Finish
- Toggle Your Zap to On