How Do I Create A Google Maps API Key For Each Station To Avoid Google's Daily Load Limits?

How Do I Create A Google Maps API Key For Each Station To Avoid Google's Daily Load Limits?

Google Maps has imposed a limit of 25,000 map loads per day for maps that use their API (such as traffic maps). If you copied and pasted a traffic map across multiple stations, there is a good chance they are sharing a single API key, and that 25,000-a-day limit is imposed for all stations. That limit is hit when your map looks like this:

Here is how you can generate a single API key per station so that the limit of 25,000 can apply on a per-station basis:

  1. Log into your Google account
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the GET A KEY button:

  4. Enter a project name - we recommend using the name of the station so that you're able to keep track of what API key is used where:

  5. Click Create and Enable API, and you now have an API key!

  6. Copy this key to your clipboard

How to replace the API key of currently embedded Google Maps:

You will need to go to the raw HTML widget where the embedded map has been added and replace the API key with the one you have copied to your clipboard.


Insert the new API key between the key= and the " (where the blue highlight is above) to successfully update your API key.

Do this for all stations, and now the limit of 25,000 will apply for each separate API key!

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