How Do I Create And Serve Ads In Google Ad Manager

How Do I Create And Serve Ads In Google Ad Manager

Who is this for?
Anyone looking to get started in setting up and serving ads in their Google Ad Manager account. Note these are steps for Google Ad Manager only, and any issues with your Ad Manager account should be directed to Google Help Centre directly. 
For a video tutorial on Google Ads, please see:
For a video tutorial on SoCast Ad Slots, please see:

Section One: Creating The Ad unit 

This section will go through the steps needed to create the ad unit in Google Ad Manager. This only needs to be set up once.

Step 1: Log into your Google Ad Manager account. 

Step 2: Select the inventory tab to expand.

Step 3: Select Ad Units. 

Step 4: A new page will load that houses all your Ad units. This page will be empty if it is the first time you are creating an ad unit. 

Step 5: Select New ad unit.  

Step 6: You should see the field Parent ad unit. Keep this as Top level.

Step 7: Name - you will need to provide a name for your ad unit. This is required. Your ad unit name should be descriptive. (Example of an ad unit name WYXB_Leaderboard_728x90) We recommend adding the call letters for each ad unit tied in with the station on which those ads will be serving. 

Step 8: Copy and paste the ad unit name in the code and description. 

Step 9: For Size mode, always keep this as Fixed size. 

Step 10: Next, you will need to enter the size of this ad unit. For Leaderboard, enter 728x90 *Note once you add a size to the ad unit, this means the ad unit can only serve creatives matching that size. If this is a video preroll ad, you will need to add the video dimensions you plan on serving in the Video or Audio (VAST) sizes field. You can find this directly underneath the area where you type the ad sizes. 

Step 11: Target window, always leave as _top

Step 12: Ignore placements

Step 13: AdSense keep check-marked if you want to serve AdSense ads in the ad unit after your direct order ends. 

Step 14: Ignore Frequency Caps

Step 15: Keep refresh rate at No refresh rate. 

Step 16: Click Save

Step 17: On the left-hand side of the navigation, click on Ad units again to reload the list of ad units.

Step 18: Click on the ad unit you just created 

Step 19: When you come back into the ad unit, you will see three tabs on the page titled: settings, line items, tags

Step 20: Select the Tags tab

Step 21: Here, you will need to select the tag type. If you are looking to place the ad on your website, make sure the tag type is Google Publisher Tag. For Mobile Apps, select the clickable drop-down and choose Application Mobile Tag. Once you have the correct tag selected, click continue. 

Step 22: Keep pass back tag as is 

Step 23: Single request leave as is 

Step 24: Collapse empty divs leave as is 

Step 25: Sizes - For this field, make sure you have the correct ad sizes showing. The sizes should be the same as what you selected when building the ad unit. 

Step 26: Click Continue 

Step 27: Open a Notepad document. Copy and paste the document header tag and document body tag from Google Ad Manager in the Notepad document.

Section Two: Setting Up Ads In SoCast

This section will go through steps for setting up at the ad units from the previous section within SoCast. This only needs to be set up once.

Step 1: Go to your document with the Google tags for your ad unit. 

Step 2: Log in to the SoCast platform 

Step 3: Go to Website>Website Settings>Advertising

Step 4: Copy and paste the Document Header Tag in the Ad Setup Code field. 

Step 5: In the SoCast platform, select the Ad unit type by selecting the pencil next to the option. If this is for a leaderboard, click the Header Ad pencil, a new window will open. Paste the document body tag from your ad unit in this section.

Step 6: To test your ads, go to the front end website and add ?google_console=1 to the end of the website address, e.g.

Section Three: Creating The Order  

In this section, we will be going through the next part of the process, which is setting up the order. This needs to be done every time you sell a new sponsorship.

Step 1: On the left-hand navigation in Google Ad Manager. Select the Delivery Tab

Step 2: Select Orders

Step 3: You will be brought to the page that houses all the orders in Google Ad Manager. This page should be empty if this is your first order. 

Step 4: Select New Order

Step 5: Add the name of the order. Order name example - SoCast_Digital_Growth_Easy_Leaderboard. I provided the company's name, campaign promotion, and ad type. 

Step 6: Write the Advertisers name. If it is a new advertiser, you will need to click add a new advertiser. A side screen overlay will appear, write the name of your advertiser in the field and click save.  

Step 7: Scroll down to the bottom and select Add Line Item. 

Section Four: Setting Up The Line Item

This section will walk you through the steps of creating your line item. This needs to be done every time you sell a new sponsorship.

Step 1: After clicking Add Line Item from the Orders tab in Google Ad Manager, you will be brought to a new page asking you to select the Ad type. 

Step 2: Select the appropriate Ad type for your order. In this example, we are doing a Display ad. 

Step 3: Name your line item. Your line item name should be descriptive and provide the necessary information, like, advertiser, ad type, and sizes. Example -SoCast_Leaderboard_728X90  

Step 4: Line item type. Click the arrow and select "Sponsorship (4)". This guarantees this line item and Ad serve. Always select "Sponsorship (4)" for the line item type.

Step 5: Add the expected creative sizes this should be the same as the ad unit size. 

Step 6: Leave Additional Settings as is 

Step 7: You will need to set up your delivery settings based on the agreement with the advertiser. Provide the start and end of the campaign. Keep the goal at 100 percent. For the rate, add the fee agreed upon with your advertising partner.

Step 8: Leave adjust delivery as is

Step 9: Add targeting in this section; you need to set up the targeting criteria for your order. Select the inventory arrow in the targeting grid to expand.

Step 10: Click X on the run of network to remove that targeting

Step 11: Select the arrow next to the ad unit to expand. Select the ad unit you built for this order by clicking the checkmark when your mouse hovers over the ad unit.  

Step 12: Scroll down until you see the show more option in the targeting grid. Select show more to expand

Step 13: Under the device category, click the arrow to expand the targeting options

Step 14: Select the device you would like to see this ad on by hovering your mouse over the options and clicking the green checkmark. We recommend selecting Desktop, Feature Phone, and SmartPhone. 

Step 15: Continue to do this for any other targeting options you would like to use. 

Step 16: Select Save once you have completed the targeting and set up the line item.

Step 17: Once you click save, Google will display the message your line item was successfully created. 

Step 18: Scroll to the top of the page. You should see four tabs Settings, Creatives, Forecast, Troubleshoot. 

Step: 19 Select Creatives 

Step 20: Select Add Creatives>New Creative>click the expected creative sizes. 

Step 21: You will be brought to a page with two columns of options. If your client has provided an HTML5 zip file, select HTML5 to upload the zip file. Select the Image option if your client has provided you with an image like GIF, JPG, PNG. 

Step 22: Give your creative a name

Step 23: Leave upload an image file and leave 1x density as is. 

Step 24: Upload your creative by clicking the browser next to drop a file here. 

Step 25: Provide the click-through URL for your ad. 

Step 26: Click Save 

For additional details on how to create a responsive ad unit, see the webinar below:

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