How To Build A Proposal In The SoCast Reach Dashboard

How To Build A Proposal In The SoCast Reach Dashboard

SoCast Reach Proposal Builder


- LOGIN to SoCast:


- Questions for Management:

  • How many markets are we setting up Ads Account for?

  • What timezone should each market be in?

  • Which sales people will be selling in each market, and what are their full names and emails?


-  To Access the Campaigns Dashboard, Click on your Market (Example: Ad Extension - Radio 88.8), Click on "Advertising Campaigns", and click "Campaigns".


- To build a new proposal/campaign, in "Campaigns", click "Add New".


- If you are building a campaign for a new advertiser, you will need to "Add New Advertiser".



 Campaign Information :





- Fill in the Name of the Advertiser, their Website URL, their Logo (JPG, PNG, GIF - Note: SVG Files are not accepted), Industry Segment (ie: Automotive), and the Lead Sales Person for this account.

- Click "Save", and exit the tab.

- Going back to the original tab where you were building a new proposal, you can now search for the Advertiser you have just saved in the system, and their URL should come up automatically.


- Add the Lead Sales Person for the Account


- Add the Market where the the Lead Sales Person / Campaign is booked out of.


 Marketing Objectives: 

- Choose the "Primary Goal" of the campaign. (ie: Awareness, Consideration, or Conversion)


- Another drop-down menu should now appear, where you can choose your "Secondary Goal". Note: Secondary Goal options will change based on the "Primary Goal" you have chosen.


- A third drop-down menu called "Channel" will now appear, where you can choose the associated digital channel/product that aligns with your Primary and Secondary goals. (ie: Google Display Ads, Social - Facebook/Instagram, OTT/CTV Ads etc.)



 Target Audience - Who They Are: 


- Click on "Add Location" for a text box to appear. (Note: You can click the "Add Location" button multiple times for as many different locations that you need to add.)



- Search for the Geo-targeted Location you want your ad to run in. Note: You can search by Country, State/Province, City, or  Zip/Postal Code.

- You may also choose a radius around that location (optional). Location radius's can be adjusted by adding a new radius, and clicking "Apply Update" Again.


- Locations can be removed by clicking "Remove Location"


-Click "Apply Update" on each location and the Geo-Map will load with a visual on the area your ads will run in. Adjust the map as necessary by adding locations and radius's, and clicking "Apply Update". Note: The Geo-Map takes some time to load, so if you are trying to "Save" the campaign, or "Generate A Proposal", sometimes our system will not allow you to do so until the geo-map is completely loaded.


- Next, add the "Minimum Age" of the demographic you are looking to target


- Add the "Maximum Age" of the demographic you are looking to target (Optional)


- Select the "Gender" of the demographic you are looking to target.


- Select the "Minimum Household Income" of the demographic you are looking to target (Optional)


- Select the "Maximum Household Income" of the demographic you are looking to target (Optional)


- Select the "Languages" you want to target with your ads. Note: We have a large variety of languages to choose from; if you do not see your preferred language in this drop-down menu, please make a note in the "Additional Notes" section of the proposal builder.

- The Estimated Population Range will automatically set itself, as will the Estimated Total Reach, so you can leave this as is, unless you want to "Customize Estimated Reach", in this case, you would change the figures in the box above by clicking on the button below.


Target Audience - Who They Are:


- Choose Data Segments/Audience Segments for this ad campaign. In the Affinity Audience dropdown menu, choose the categories that best associate with what the customers of this campaign are interested in, or passionate about. Note: There are hundreds of thousands of data segments/audience segments available on the internet, but we provide generic contextual categories to help us narrow in on the ideal customer.

- Next, click on Intent Audiences, where you will see a similar list of categories. Intent Audiences are farther down in the sales funnel, so think about the categories of things your ideal customer is currently researching and currently looking to purchase. Note: The more categories you choose, the more data we will spend in those categories on 3rd party data, and the higher the CPM.

Schedule and Budget:


- Choose from the calendar a Start Date and End Date for the campaign.


- Add the Total Net Budget of the campaign. This is the total amount the advertiser will spend on the campaign, and is for the entire duration of the campaign. The minimum media cost budget is $250.00.

- Your Ad Extension - Broadcaster Markup should already be set; but if necessary, you may Customize Broadcaster Campaign Markup if approved by Management and SoCast. Otherwise, it should be set to 100% (or the agreed markup), and you can leave this as is.



Campaign Details:


- Customize the Campaign Name (if necessary).


- Add any Additional Notes you may want Operations to see when they are booking in your ad, or customizing the proposal.


- Review the "Campaign Forecast" once all of these categories are filled in to see the estimated rates, impressions, clicks, and CTR%.

- Click "Save"! (Or your work will be lost or you may see the following error code)


Generate A Proposal:


- Finally, scroll up to the top of the campaign, and on the right hand side under "Campaign Actions", you will see a "Generate Proposal" button. Click this button to have a proposal generated (this takes 10-30 seconds).


- The campaign will automatically click over to the "Proposal" tab, where you can find a link to a Google Slides Presentation of your proposal.



- Click on the blue text below the proposal preview to open the proposal in Google Slides. Feel free to make any customizations (ex: deleting pages that are uneccesary, adding client logos, adding key information that you learned about the client's goals during your CNA)

Cloning A Campaign:


- If a client is interested in multiple channels in their digital marketing strategy (ex: Social Media Ads + Display Ads), you can click the "Clone Campaign" button, and it will copy over all the information of the previous campaign and create a whole new campaign in the dashboard. From here, you can change any of the details like Channel, Targeting Strategy, Budget, Flight Dates etc.

Change Details:


- If you need to change any details of the campaign at any time, click the "Change Details" button under "Campaign Actions". This will put your campaign back into "Draft" mode, where you can make relevant changes. Click "Save" when you are done, and click "Update Proposal". *Note*: If you have made customizations to the original proposal in Google Slides, you will be creating a new proposal and replacing the original. If you want to keep the original proposal and update the details manually, you can "Create A Copy" under "File" in Google Slides.

If you have any issues building a proposal and need assistance, email with details so we can help you from our end.

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