We often get requests to remove blogs because a subscribed RSS feed contains stock images that are unattributed, thus posing a legal risk. In an effort to help you reduce this risk, our bulk trash tool, will delete thousands of blog posts with one click. To do so, please use the following steps:
1. Go to Website > Blogs > Blog Posts
2. At the top of the blog list, select the ‘All Blog Categories’ drop-down menu and choose the blog category you would like to delete the posts from. Click ‘Filter’.
3. Next, select the box beside the word ‘Title’, this will automatically select every single blog in that category. If there are any you do not want deleted, be sure to uncheck them individually.
4. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, it should show you how many blog posts have been selected.
5. Click the ‘Bulk Actions’ drop-down menu, select ‘Move All To Trash’, click ‘Apply’.
6. The blog posts will begin to be removed. You’ll see a ‘counter’ at the top, showing you how many have been removed. This may take some time.