Mobile App Submission: Android Store Listing Settings

Configure the information that appears on the product page for your mobile app in the Google Play App Store.
This must be filled in. If this information is not filled in, we cannot submit the app for approval and release.
- Configure the information that appears on the product page for your mobile app in the Google Play Store.
- Notification Icon: Dimensions: 96px by 96px square
- Format: PNG with a transparent background
- Requirement: Icon design must be solid white
- Appears in the device status bar, notification menu, and lock screen.
- Will use mobile app icon if not provided.
- Warning: Stock images requiring attribution cannot be used here
Configure the information that appears on the product page for your mobile app in the Google Play Store.
- Contact Email: This email address is publicly viewable in the app store.
- Feature Graphic: Dimensions: 1024px by 500px
- Format: JPEG or 24-bit PNG with a solid background (no transparency)
- Recommended: Typically used to display your station logo with a branded graphic.
- Appears at the top of the product page for your mobile app in the Google Play Store and may be featured anywhere within the Google Play Store.
- Will use mobile app icon if not provided.
- Warning: Please make sure your descriptions and images do not include promotional marketing copy, e.g. “Toronto’s Number 1 Station”.
- Warning: Stock images requiring attribution cannot be used here
Configure the credentials required to build and submit your mobile app.
- Credentials: Choose 1 of the android integrations you set up earlier. If you have not setup an integration already, click the 'manage credentials' or 'add new' buttons.
Configure the version information for your mobile app build.
- Check yes, to replace an existing mobile app in the Google Play App Store instead of creating a brand new app.
Keystore File
Configure the keystore file that is used to uniquely identify you as the owner of your current mobile app. This is required to replace your existing Android app or to move your app to another app developer.
- Allow your mobile app to be moved to a different app developer in the future. SoCast will create a new keystore file for you for a one time cost. A SoCast client success manager will contact you for billing details before proceeding.
- Upload an existing keystore file from a previous mobile app developer or one that you created yourself. (this allows us to replace your existing app, from your previous app developer)
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