Mobile App Submission Store Listing Settings: General Store Information, App Icons, Ratings, Privacy Etc

Mobile App Submission Store Listing Settings: General Store Information, App Icons, Ratings, Privacy Etc

Configure the appearance of your mobile app in the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, on user devices, and within the app. These are the general settings, you will need to fill in specific settings for both iOS and Android.


  1. App Store Account NameAppears in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store listings.
  2. App Name On Device: Bundle/Package display name.
  3. Icon & Launch Screen Background Color: Appears behind the mobile app icon and launch screen image as the background fill.
  4. Icon: Dimensions: 2732px by 2732px square
    1. Format: PNG with a solid background (no transparency)
    2. Recommended: Include a safety area around your design and do not include a border line as iOS trims the borders of your icon. 
    3. Appears in store listings and on the product page for your mobile app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, on user devices.
    4. Warning: Stock images requiring attribution cannot be used here
  5. Launch Screen Image: Dimensions: 2732px by 2732px
    1. Format: PNG with a solid background (no transparency)
    2. Recommended: Typically used to display your station logo. Do not include advertising on this screen. Use the promo screen for sponsored or promotional content.
    3. Appears while the mobile app is loading when first launched.
    4. Will use mobile app icon if not provided.
    5. Warning: Stock images requiring attribution cannot be used here

Store Information

Configure the information that appears on the product page for your mobile app in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

  1. DescriptionDescribes the features and functionality of your mobile app.
    1. For Google Play, this description is also used to search for your app so it is important to include relevant keywords such as variations of your station name and call letters. 
    2. Warning: Please make sure your descriptions and images do not include promotional marketing copy, e.g. “Toronto’s Number 1 Station”.
  2. Subtitle: Max. 30 characters. Describes the features and functionality of your mobile app.
    1. This appears below your mobile app name as the summary for your app in the store. 
    2. Warning: Please make sure your descriptions and images do not include promotional marketing copy, e.g. “Toronto’s Number 1 Station”.
  3. Content Rating-Contests: The content rating for your mobile app is assigned based on these options.
  4. Does your app contain news or sports content?  Check off if the mobile app will contain news or sports content.
  5. Privacy Policy URL: e.g.  A URL to a web page containing the privacy policy for your mobile app.

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