Requesting A Station Rebrand With Socast

Requesting A Station Rebrand With Socast

This Article Is For:
  • Existing clients who already have launched websites and/or mobile apps with SoCast, that would like to re-brand.
  • This request must be sent to the support desk at in advance, and come from a Company Admin.

For A Socast Website/CMS License:

  1. Contact a Socast representative at to request the station rebrand change for your station's website, mobile app or both.
  2. Socast will create a Sandbox/Demo Account for the new re-branded to allow the company administrators and select users to start building content for that station.
  3. Any Content Migration (Blogs, News, Media, Members) from the previous account to the new sandbox account is an additional service outside of rebranding the station . You will need to contact our Account Manager Steve at the email address here to arrange this service.
  4. On the test account go to Website > Website Settings > Theme to select the theme and colors of the newly re-branded website. More information can be found under our website theme settings page here: Theme Settings .
  5. On the test account go to Website > Website Structure > Pages to set up the pages/structure of the newly re-branded website, make sure to publish each page. More information on how to set up a website structure can be found here: Website Structure
  6. Add the pages to the website's navigation and assign a home page for the test account. More information on how to do this can be found here: How Do I Add A Page To My Website's Navigation?
  7. Click on view website on the test, account to see if the pages, color, and theme looks like good according to the branding of the new website. Adjust if necessary until you are happy with each aspect of the new website.
  8. Go back to the original station's account and replicate step 4 .
  9. Create a blog post and categories that will be for that re-branded stations. To set up blog posts please go to Website>Blogs>Blog Posts. To set up blog categories please go to Website>Blogs>Blog Categories. More information can be found here: Blog .
  10. Once the pages and content is ready for the re-branded website, contact a Socast representative at either or at a given email address to request DKIM Keys/TXT records for the new domain for the re-branded website. (Please note: that this needs to be done 2 business days before the launch date of the re-branded website.)
  11. 30 Minutes before the website launches go to Website > Website Settings > Theme and change the settings according to the theme and colors that were chose in step #3 in the test account.
  12. 30 Minutes before the website launches swap out the pages on the original website's navigation to the new pages that were created in step 7. To do this go to Website > Website Structure > Pages .
  13. Locate the DNS panel for the new domain and create new records on the DNS Panel for the DKIM keys and have the new domain point to our IP Address of Please refer to this document here to make the DNS changes at the time of launch: Managing Your DNS Changes to launch your Socast website .
  14. Then change the website domain on the platform. To do this go to Website>Website Settings>Website Domain and swap out the old domain with the new domain for the re-branded website.

For the Socast Mobile App License:

  1. Contact a Socast representative at to request the station rebrand change for the app.
  2. A Socast representative will provide two surveys: a mobile app rebrand survey which you will have to provide the new name/branding icons for the rebranded station and a store listing survey which you will provide new metadata information for the Store Information for both the App Store and the Google Play Store.
  3. Fill out both surveys and contact the Socast representative when you have done so.
  4. Socast will schedule an update for the station's mobile app with the new name and branding icons. A typical mobile app build will take approximately 5 business days to complete , so please fill out these survey as soon as you can.
  5. A Socast representative will then update the store listing on App Store Connect and Google Play Console to reflect the new branding of the station from the information provided in the store listing survey .
  6. You will then have to log on to the Platform and go to Mobile App > Mobile App Settings > Menu and go to each menu item and switch the old pages to the new rebranded station pages. You can learn more about changing menu items on the mobile app here: How Do I Set-Up My App's Navigation?
  7. Socast will then send you a .apk file which will be a test version of the Android version of the mobile app. Socast will also send a "Testflight" version of the IOS version of the app to whoever is registered on the App Store Connect account for your organization. If you would like your email address added on the App Store Connect account for the purposes of testing, please contact your company administrator and request your email address on the App Store Connect account and you can give this link here: as a guide on how to add yourself as a user on your organization's App Store Connect account: .
  8. Finally, once you feel the mobile app is ready to be released for all users, Socast will submit the mobile app update to Google and Apple for review and release. Once the mobile app update is approved by Apple/Google, a Socast representative will contact you.

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