RSS Element

RSS Element


  • This widget is being deprecated in February 2020

This Article Is For:

  • All users who have access to one/all of the following: pages, blogs, contests, and sidebars
  • This is applicable to: All themes


  • SoCast's RSS Widget displays posts from any RSS feed, including password protected feeds (as long as you have the password).
  • RSS feeds are a great tool for displaying latest posts and news stories from your favorite websites.


  • To find RSS feeds on a website, look for words  like “subscribe” or “feed” . You can also look for the standard RSS feed icon.
  • To grab the feed URL, right click and copy, usually by using the “copy link” or “copy link location” option available.
  • Check the feed with a validation tool . If there is any error, contact the feed provider.
  • When creating an RSS feed, publishers of that RSS Feed (ie NBC) choose to either allow you to show a "preview" of their content or the entire article.
  • Many websites choose to limit their RSS feeds to only show excerpts of the full posts. 
  • Feeds often only provide a truncated (shortened) version of an article. In other words, it will only provide users with a short excerpt of the original post, and perhaps a featured image to go along with it.
  • Below are some examples of what an RSS Feed URL may look like:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Widget Name : This is the name of the widget showing in the Drag-And-Drop Editor. It will not be displayed on the website.
  2. Display Title: Choose whether you’d like to have the title displayed by clicking “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down menu
  3. Feed URL : This is where you enter the RSS feed URL that you have copied from a website
  4. Feed Username : This is optional. You can  provide a username to access a secured feed.
  5. Feed Password : Enter the password for a protected feed
  6. Format: Choose the type of format for your feed.
    1. RSS: An RSS feed usually pulls viewers into a page that has a short paragraph with a "read more" link, that links to a full page
    2. NewsML: A NewsML feed usually pulls viewers into a page that displays a full article
  7. Target: Choose whether you want the articles displayed in the feed to open in the current window or a new window
  8. Items to Display : Set the number of articles you want to be displayed. We recommend multiples of 5.
  9. Allow Multiple Pages : Select "Yes" if you want to display a paginator once there are more than the set items to display, otherwise select "No"
  10. Click the Save button

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