This Article Is For:
- All users who have: Manage Local Listings, Manage Local Listings Settings
- This is applicable to all SoCast Themes

- Must have already purchased the Local Listings product ( If you would like this product, please speak with your Account Manager )

The Listing Categories settings are where you will configure the categories and subcategories that can be applied to listings.
Step-by-step guide
- Name : The name of your category, how it appears on your site. For example Real Estate.
- Slug : The “slug” is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. (Ex. real-estate)
- Parent Category : Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. For example, Real Estate would be the parent term for Condos/Lofts, House For Sale
- Description : Enter a description for the category or directory. The description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it. (Ex. Browse or post free and paid ads for real estate classifieds)
Below are some common classifieds categories and sub categories with descriptions:
- Real Estate : Browse or post free and paid ads for real estate classifieds.
- Office & Commercial
- Condos/Lofts
- Home For Sale By Owner
- Townhouses/Duplexes
- House for Sale
- Auto Listings : Browse or post great deals on new and used cars and trucks.
- Announcements : Browse or post obituary, birth, wedding or engagement announcements
- Obituaries
- Births
- Wedding & Engagements
- Lost & Found : Search for or post items you've lost or found.