Step #6: Adding Cancellation Listings To A Ticker
You must have the 'Manage Local Listings & Cancellation Listings Settings Permission.
You must have the 'Manage Tickers' Permission
Please reach out to your Company Admin if you require permission.
Our Ticker tool is a great way to attract website visitor's attention, it can be customized to highlight special text, important blog posts and news articles, cancellations and more.
Step-By-Step Guide
Go to: Website > Content Elements > Tickers
To create a ticker, click ‘add new’
Enter a name for your ticker.
Custom Text Content
Configure the custom text content for this ticker. All custom text items appear before any other type of content in the ticker.
Enter one text item per line. To include a URL, use a double colon '::' as a separator, e.g. This is a line of text :: .
Blog Content
You do not need to fill this section in, unless you want to also have blog content in the same ticker as your cancellations.
Cancellation Listings Content
Cancellation Listings Custom Text: Provide a brief description for the corresponding page link, e.g. 10 Active Closures in Effect, etc. Insert the ‘Total Active Cancellation Listings’ macro to display the total number of cancellation listings matching the cancellation listing categories and statuses selected below.
Page Link: Select or Manage a page containing the desired cancellation listings widget to link to the cancellation listings custom text. This should redirect to the page where you highlight all the cancellation listings in place.
Cancellation Listing Categories: Choose one or more cancellation listing categories to be included in the 'Total Active Cancellation Listings' count when inserting the corresponding macro into the 'Cancellation Listings Custom Text' field.
Cancellation Listing Status: “Add or Manage” one or more cancellation listing status to be included with the ‘Total Active Cancellation Listings’ count when the corresponding macro is inserted into the ‘Cancellation Listings Custom Text’ field.
- Background Color: Use the color picker to choose a background color for the ticker, which appears behind the ticker content.
- Text Color: Use the color picker to choose a color for your ticker text.
- Ticker Text Size: Choose a size for your ticker text.
- Ticker Label Text: Display a label that describes the ticker content. Leave it blank to hide the label.
- Ticker Label Position: Set the position of the ticker label relative to the ticker content.
Once you have finished creating your ticker, click the 'Save' button.
After creating your ticker, you will need to add it to the page where you want it to appear by using the 'Ticker Widget'.
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