This Article Is For:
- User with ‘Page Permissions’Users with ‘Manage Syndication Settings’
- This is applicable to: All Themes
Manage the pages that are currently syndicated. Un-syndicating a page deletes the page locally from the account destination(s).
Step-By-Step Guide:
Go to Website > Pages > Syndicated Pages
To Syndicate a page, click ‘Syndicate New’
Page Selection:

Syndication Notes:
Syndicated version automatically updates from the original
Syndicated version cannot be edited or deleted (can be hidden)
Custom HTML and widgets are synced from the original
Side bar and location in the website and/or mobile app menus cannot be synced from the original, and will need to be configured separately in the account destination(s)
Select one or more pages to syndicate to the account destination(s) selected below.
In The ‘Page’ box, search for the page you wish to syndicate
Pages To Syndicate:
Manage the selected pages to syndicate.
Account Destination:
Select the account(s) within this company to syndicate the selected pages to.
Click the blue ‘Syndicate’ button
How To Un-Syndicate A Page:
Go back to the ‘Syndicated Pages’ main screen
click the ‘edit’ icon beside the page you wish to remove
Click ‘Remove All Destinations’ to remove it from all sites within your company OR click the [X] beside the individual station you wish to remove it from
As a reminder, this will un-syndicate and delete the page from the account destination.