Tips For Using The WordPress Classic Editor

Tips For Using The WordPress Classic Editor

This Editor provides provides a simplified writing experience that does not require the use of the SoCast widget/element system.   Users can use the WordPress Editor as their preferred method of blogging by clicking on the "Switch to Classic Mode" button on the blogging page and then clicking on the "Visual" tab on the right.

Ability To Change Font Sizes, Colors Etc

To access this feature click on the "Toolbar Toggle" button located at the end of the first row.  A second row of buttons including font sizes, colors, hyperlinks and managing indents will be added.

Easy Media Embeds

Ability to embed media on the page using the text editor. Once you paste in a link and hit space, the content will be automatically embedded on the page. You can also use the new Add Media button at the top left of the text editor to embed content as well:

Copy and Paste From Microsoft Word

The Text Editor has built-in support for pasting in blocks of text from Microsoft Word. It detects if the pasted text is coming from MS Word and imports it correctly.

Drag-And-Drop Image Uploading

Rather than inserting images manually, you can drag images into the visual editor straight from your desktop and they will be added to the page or blog.

Distraction-free Composing

When enabled, everything surrounding the editor will fade away when you start typing.

Revision History

Shows the differences between revisions, a draggable timeline and the ability to compare revisions between 2 different time periods.

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