

In this section you will find all Knowledge Base articles related to Blogs, Events, Classifieds and Directory, Comments, Content Elements (i.e polls, contact forms), Website Structure (i.e pages, sidebars, minisite headers), Website Settings (i.e theme, headings, advertising), Elements (a list of all elements). As well as, best practices, tips and inspiration.

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    • Creating & Publishing A Blog

      This Article Is For: All users who have access to: Blogs This is applicable to: All Themes For a video tutorial please see: Below are steps and instructions for creating and publishing ...
    • Blogs & News: Inspiration & Ideas

      This Article Is For: All users who have 'Blog' permissions This is applicable to all SoCast Themes Below are some tips and tools to help inspire your blogs Micro-Blog Trending Content : Micro-blogging is a portable form of content; it’s shareable, ...
    • RSS Subscription Workflow Set-Up

      This Article Is For: Company or Cluster Admins setting up blog syndication workflow This is applicable to: All Themes Below are the suggested steps for setting up a Company or Cluster wide workflow for syndication. Instructions For The ...
    • Elements

      An 'Element' is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these elements in pages, contests and sidebars. Elements provide a simple and easy-to-use way of adding design and structure to your website. Elements can be easily dragged ...
    • Step #4: Local Listings Settings

      This Article Is For: All users who have: Manage Local Listings, Manage Local Listings Settings This is applicable to all SoCast Themes Requirements: Must have already purchased the Local Listings product ( If you would like this product, please speak ...