What Do I Do, If I Don't See All Of My Facebook Pages Under My Social Settings?

What Do I Do, If I Don't See All Of My Facebook Pages Under My Social Settings?

This Article Is For:

  • All users who have a SoCast account (Login & Password)
  • This is applicable to all SoCast Themes

If you've already connected your personal Facebook account to your personal>social settings and do not see all of the Facebook pages you are an administrator on, then please take the following steps to ensure the Socast App is activated correctly.


1. Log into Facebook (with the same account you have connected to SoCast)
2. Click on 'Settings' in the drop-down menu

3. Click on 'Business Integrations' on the left hand side

4. Confirm the 'SoCast App' appears
5. Click on 'view and edit' on the Socast app

6. Make sure all settings are marked as 'on' and slide to the right. Particularly 'manage your pages', 'show a list of the pages you manage', 'publish as pages you manage'

7. Click 'save'
8. Go back to your personal social settings in Socast
9. Click the 'remove' button beside your name (keep in mind this will remove any scheduled Facebook posts you have made in the SoCast publishing tool)
10. Scroll down and click 'save'
11. Refresh the page to make sure Facebook is not connected
12. Re-connect your Facebook account
13. You should now see all pages you are an administrator on

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